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Off-Ice Training


Important Update: New Registration and Calendar Link Effective April 23, 2024

We are excited to announce that starting April 23, 2024, Ashley Holmes will be moving to a new online registration and event calendar system! This update is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience and make accessing our services more straightforward and convenient.

What’s Changing?

  • New Registration Link: We’ve simplified the registration process. The new link, which will be effective from April 23, 2024, can be accessed directly from our homepage or the below buttons.
  • Enhanced Calendar System: Find events, schedule appointments, and see available slots with greater ease.

Benefits of the New System Include:

  • Simplified Navigation: Easier access to the information and services you need.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A smoother, more intuitive interface.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Fully optimized for mobile device access, so you can register and view events on-the-go.

Please be sure to update your bookmarks with the new link, which we will share on our homepage and via our newsletter as we approach the launch date.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to serving you better with our new, improved system!